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 Season 5: Hark

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Humans are born into a wondrous planetary chorus. The whistles of dolphins. The trill of a bird. The pop and crackle of trees. But today, many of us rarely hear anything other than ourselves. In a world teeming with sound, what happens when a species only listens to itself? 

Join us on a journey into the heart of a quiet revolution—a listening renaissance. We’ll meet a global community of listeners devoting their lives to paying attention to what other beings are saying. Flowers that can “hear” their pollinators. Coral larvae that use sound to find reefs. Turtles, long considered silent, with rich acoustic lives. And everywhere we listen, we discover there’s more to hear.

In this season of Threshold, we investigate what it means to listen to the nonhuman voices on our planet—and the cost if we don’t. With mounting social and ecological crises, we ask what happens when we tune into the life all around us.
















Episode 1

The Slime of Life

For most of our planet’s existence, the Earth was quiet. The boisterous sounds of life we know today are a recent development, one that the growing field of bioacoustics is helping us understand and interpret. In this episode, we travel to Australia to listen to dolphins and meet the microbes that helped usher in life on the planet.

Episode 2

Unk Boop Kwa

Beneath the water lies a whole world of sound: snorts, boops, croaks, grunts. Fish, it turns out, have a lot to say, and they’ve been communicating for a long time. In this episode, we take a dive with some of the planet’s oldest vertebrates.

Episode 3

Emergency Services

Coral reefs are some of our planet’s most beautiful and biodiverse habitats. They’re also rich with sound, a bustling marine metropolis whose future is severely threatened by climate change. In this episode, we discover the important role of listening in coral communities.

Episode 4

Do You Hear What I Hear?

What is sound? And what does it mean to listen? In this episode, we take a closer look at sound: what it is, how it works, and how what you hear may not be the same as your neighbor.

Episode 5

Common Sense

Insects invented song. They’ve developed a multitude of ways to listen. But insects couldn’t have evolved these complex skills without plants. In this episode, we explore the interconnected acoustic lives of insects and plants.

Episode 6

The Primrose Path

If a being doesn’t have ears, can it hear? And if it doesn’t have a mouth, can it talk?  In this episode, we spend a golden afternoon conversing with the flowers, plants, and trees. 




Episode 7

I’ve Got A Name

A name is essential to your identity. It’s what people call you and what you respond to—it’s part of what you understand about yourself. But do other living things call each other by names? In this episode, we look at how names work in some non-human worlds.

Episode 8

The Queen’s English

Living together in a group is a strategy many animals use to survive and thrive. And a big part of what makes that living situation successful is listening. In this episode, we explore the collaborative world of the naked mole-rat.

Episode 9

Coming April 8



This season we’re offering something new: Hark Interludes. Published periodically, these brief, immersive listening experiences will explore how we can notice and appreciate sound in our everyday lives.

Interlude 1

Isen Låter Så

The planet is filled with unexpected and magical sounds … all you have to do is listen.

Interlude 2

Hey Bear

Sometimes we have to be loud when we want to be quiet. 

Interlude 3


Sometimes a place we consider quiet is just a place we haven’t taken the time to listen.

Interlude 4


Listening and looking for loons.



 Call for Submissions

Help Us Record the Spring Frog Chorus

Are you a fan of frogs and toads or eager to amplify their voices? In an upcoming episode, we plan to feature amphibians from every continent they inhabit. If you have a recording—or want to make one when they start calling in your area—we’d love to hear it!

Behind the Scenes

We answer listener questions about the making of Season 5: Hark and of Threshold more broadly in this special AMA episode with host Amy Martin, managing editor Erika Janik, and producer Sam Moore.


Original illustrations by Cannaday Chapman

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