Episode 1
The Water is Wide
In Shishmaref, Alaska, no one’s asking if climate change is real. What they want to know is how bad it has to get before the world decides to act.

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Learn more
An update on how relocation is going for an Alaskan village being destroyed by melting permafrost and loss of sea ice—the same problems faced in Shishmaref.
Test your knowledge about the Arctic with this short quiz.
Nick Mott’s Photos from Shishmaref
Threshold producer Nick Mott was with Amy in Shishmaref, and he made some beautiful photographs. Check them out above, and in this spread for Outside Online.
Alaska Shoreline Change Tool
This interactive tool allows users to see where Alaska’s shoreline has been in the past, and where it will be in the future.
The Big Picture
During the Cold War, the U.S. Army aired the documentary television program The Big Picture to showcase biographies of famous soldiers, weaponry and historical battles. The episode referenced in Threshold’s “The Water is Wide” is available to watch on YouTube.