Episode 6: The Things I Can See on the Mountains

Episode Length: 31:07 


The impacts of climate change and wind energy development on reindeer herding in Norway




reindeer herding, Sámi traditions, wind farm development, history

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Episode Outline

These outlines are intended to help you locate ideas and topics more easily, but these are narrative episodes with many interlocking themes and ideas, so you may want to share segments that cross multiple points in the outline.


MINUTES: 00:00 - 04:21

Reindeer are both wild and domestic in the care of the Sámi—herders gather the animals at certain times of year that follow the natural cycle of the reindeer.

04:22 - 08:12

Many Sámi kids manage two identities, Sámi at home and Norwegian in school.

08:13 - 10:26

Women and girls traditionally played a large role in reindeer herding but colonization pushed women to indoor activities:

  • Most families have someone with an outside job to support the family  

10:27 - 14:57

Climate change impacts reindeer which are built for winter and herders who have to adjust their knowledge for changing circumstances:

  • Sámi herding lands are fragmented throughout Norway so families have to move to where herding is allowed to keep up tradition

14:58 - 18:36

Climate change became very real when herders started seeing it with their own eyes.


18:37 - 22:52

Wind farm is planned for land used by a reindeer herding family:

  • Colonization already took land from the Sámi and now efforts to combat climate change threaten to take more

  • Sacrifices in the name of climate change are being pushed on people with less power

22:53 - 26:54

Development of the wind farm disrupting natural rhythm of the reindeer herd:

  • Sámi family trying to speak up and be heard to mitigate the damage to their herding grounds

26:55 - 31:07

Indigenous people around the world are being forced to sacrifice land and resources in the fight against climate change:

  • Fear that reindeer herding won’t survive, which would be a loss of knowledge and a way of life for the Sámi